Emad Sayyah nasceu em 1954 em Beirute, Líbano. Ele estudou administração e música compondo em vários idiomas e estilos. Ao longo de sua carreira de mais de vinte anos, Emad Sayyah se apresentou em vários países como: Líbano, Kuwait, Jordânia, Síria, Bahrain, Alemanha, Áustria, Suíça e Holanda. Desde 1978 mora em Viena e lá produz suas músicas e as de outros artistas no estúdio DOREMI.
Emad Sayyah was born in 1954 in Beirut, Lebanon. He studied business and music. During his studies, he made his name by appearing as a singer and wrote music in many different languages and styles, and produced. He's now been more than 20 years as a professional singer on stage. While traveling, he performed in many countries, and in his home country, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria,Bahrain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Emad has lived in Vienna since 1978 and producing his own and other artists in DOREMI STUDIO.
Emad Sayyah was born in 1954 in Beirut, Lebanon. He studied business and music. During his studies, he made his name by appearing as a singer and wrote music in many different languages and styles, and produced. He's now been more than 20 years as a professional singer on stage. While traveling, he performed in many countries, and in his home country, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria,Bahrain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Emad has lived in Vienna since 1978 and producing his own and other artists in DOREMI STUDIO.
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