Creme do sultão
Serve: 6
- 4 ovos
- 1 copo (de requeijão) de leite
- 12 colheres (sopa) de açúcar
- 1 colher (café) de essência de baunilha (opcional)
- 1 colher (café) de manteiga
Modo de preparo
Prep: 15 min | Cozimento: 20 min | Tempo adicional: 3 horas 25 min
Bata as claras com 4 colheres (sopa) do açúcar na batedeira, até obter ponto de suspiro. Despeje num refratário e leve ao forno médio, preaquecido, por cerca de 10 minutos ou até corar, com a porta do forno entreaberta. Apague o forno e deixe dentro o refratário.
Bata bem as gemas peneiradas com 2 colheres (sopa) do açúcar na batedeira. Acrescente o leite e, se desejar, a essência de baunilha. Reserve.
Numa panela, coloque o restante do açúcar e leve ao fogo médio para caramelizar. Quando estiver dourado, diminua o fogo e junte o creme de gemas e a manteiga, mexendo com uma colher de pau até ferver. Apague o fogo e deixe o creme esfriar. Despeje sobre o suspiro e leve à geladeira por 4 horas.
para mais receitas acesse:
Sultan's Milk Pudding
Pour the milk into a pot, add sugar, starch and rice flour, mix well by a whisker
# Place the pot over medium heat, and keep on cooking by stirring constantly.
# When it reaches to the half consistency of milk pudding, add washed and drained raisins, chopped apricot, inner skin peeled and thickly pounded almond, walnut and coconut in it. Keep on cooking by stirring constantly and remove from the stove when it reaches the consistency of milk pudding. Add vanilla in it and mix.
# Divide it into the bowls. Refrigerate it on the lowest layer of the refrigerator for about 1-2 hours, sprinkle cinnamon all over while serving.
Note: It is enough to rest the almonds in boiling water for about 2-3 minutes for peeling their inner skin.
# Place the pot over medium heat, and keep on cooking by stirring constantly.
# When it reaches to the half consistency of milk pudding, add washed and drained raisins, chopped apricot, inner skin peeled and thickly pounded almond, walnut and coconut in it. Keep on cooking by stirring constantly and remove from the stove when it reaches the consistency of milk pudding. Add vanilla in it and mix.
# Divide it into the bowls. Refrigerate it on the lowest layer of the refrigerator for about 1-2 hours, sprinkle cinnamon all over while serving.
Note: It is enough to rest the almonds in boiling water for about 2-3 minutes for peeling their inner skin.
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